Bicep Exercises

Lying Incline Curl

This exercise uses an incline bench to change your bodys position as you perform bicep curls. The movement is very similar to a Preacher Curl.

Lying Incline Curl - Step 1 Lying Incline Curl - Step 2


  1. Adjust and incline bench to a 45 degree angle.
  2. Grasp a barbell with a shoulder width grip and lean face down against the bench, with your feet resting on the floor for support.
  3. Allow your arms to hang down at your sides.
  4. Keeping your elbow straight, raise the bar up towards your head, contracting your biceps.
  5. In a controlled manner lower the weight and repeat.


  • Practice steady movements in this exercise, be careful not to let your arms sway.

Lying Incline Curl - Muscles Worked

Primary Muscle: Biceps
Secondary Muscle: None
Equipment Type: Barbell

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