Chest Exercises

Decline Chest Press

This is an exercise for the lower portion of the Pectorals (chest muscles). Many people prefer this exercise to the Barbell or Dumbbell decline Press because if offers more stability for people new to exercise.

Decline Chest Press - Step 1 Decline Chest Press - Step 2


  1. Adjust the seat of the machine so that the handles are near the lower portion of your chest.
  2. Slowly press the handles forward until your hands are fully extended, do not lock your elbows.
  3. Pause for a moment and then with a controlled movement lower your hands back to starting position.


  • Keep your shoulders and lower back against the bench at all times during this exercise.

Decline Chest Press - Muscles Worked

Primary Muscle: Chest
Secondary Muscle: Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment Type: Machine

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